Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Love My Train!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa King for my train! I thought everyone would enjoy some pictures of me playing like a big boy.

Daddy's Shoes

Yesterday I managed to take a few pictures of our big boy exploring Daddy's work shoes. Nothing is safe now that he's on the move!

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Did It!!!!

Today marks the first day that I am crawling around the house. Until now, I have been doing log rolls across the floor to get where I wanted to go. I still choose to do log rolls sometimes, but now have a less creative way to get around the house (and, therefore, new opportunities to get into all kinds of trouble!). Last week, I figured out how to sit up by myself and this week I have figured out how to crawl. So, everyone, thanks for the support! Aunt Tami, I am working very hard to try and complete all of the activities you blogged about me. Watch out Mommy and Daddy, here I come!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


At 9 months, our big boy is certainly holding his own. He is 95th percentile in weight (25 lbs. 11 oz.) and height (30.5 in.) and 75th percentile with head circumference (46.3 cm.). I wonder if it was all the talking we were doing at the doctor's office, because it seemed as soon as we got home "monster man" started amazing us with his new tricks. The biggest report for the day is that he is now mobile. He is not crawling (although he keeps getting closer and closer), but has creatively found his own way to move around the room. This mobility first starts by doing numerous log rolls on the living room rug. He only stops when he rolls into a piece of furniture, needs a rest, or realizes that he has reached his destination. The second step is to roll on his stomach (if he's not in that position already). And, finally, he gets up on all fours. After praising our son, Christian and I just looked at each other and said, "Get ready". If that wasn't enough excitement for the day, he tried to unsuccessfully pull himself into a standing position from being up on all fours and also took a couple of sips from his sippy cup (all by himself). These are just a few random shots I took during the day.

All this excitement certainly wears a person out. I went upstairs to check on our big boy and found him asleep. What's so special about that? Check out the position he fell asleep in and you'll understand.

Didn't quite have enough energy to complete rolling over in his crib. Guess we all have our limits!

What's that on your nose?

Daddy took this picture last night. Our big boy loves to play with shapes. Periodically, we'll look at him and he'll have a shape in his mouth. Sometimes he even holds them in his mouth with no hands. Just thought you might like to see another picture.