Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Very Own Larry the Cucumber

Our big boy dressed up as VeggieTale's Larry the Cucumber. We had a great time trick-or-treating and made it to about 5 houses in 1.5 hours! (Not bad since we had to drive to each house with a 19-month old!) Thanks to everyone whose homes we visited tonight. Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Since our big boy is now 19 months old, we thought we would give pumpkin carving a try. We tried to get our big boy involved by pulling out the pumpkin's insides, but he was reluctant. Actually, he had a disgusted look on his face during the whole experience and refused to touch anything.

Oh well. We weren't really surprised. He's never been one to feel wet, smooshy foods. Anyway, Mommy and Daddy talked to our big boy while we cleaned out and carved the pumpkin.

Here's the finished jack-o-lantern. We hope it keeps until Friday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Record!!!

Every night our big boy does laps around the house to burn off excess energy (his idea, but Mommy and Daddy couldn't be happier with his decision). Usually, I count the number of consecutive laps he completes and tonight was no exception. To our amazement, our big boy did 46 consecutive laps around the house before he moved on to a new activity! We were impressed and, even though he took an almost three hour nap today, it helped him get to bed on time. Way to go big boy!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Amaze'n Farmyard

Today we went with the school children to a local farm to see animals, ride the train, find our way through a maze, slide down the giant slide, play on the playground, and pick our own family pumpkin. Since Christian finished his sermon yesterday, he was able to spend some quality time with everyone at the farm. We all had a wonderful visit and it was great to be out in the cool, fresh air! We introduced our big boy to some new animals (i.e. chickens, goats, pot-bellied pig, llamas, donkeys, and a camel - to name a few), he rode on the train, and he enjoyed "helping" us pick our own pumpkin. We'll let the slideshow of pictures speak for itself.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Big Boy Bed

Mommy and Daddy have been talking with me about how I am going to be a big brother. I don't know what that means yet, except that there will be lots of exciting changes coming and that Mommy needs lots of help! One of these exciting changes has already taken place. Mommy, Daddy, and I went to a furniture store and purchased my very own twin "big boy" bed. I am sooo excited! Daddy picked it up last Thursday and I took my very first nap in it today. It looks great in my room and I love to climb up on it and back down from it all by myself! Mommy and Daddy were thrilled that I managed to stay on the mattress during my nap and I loved that I could easily climb down on my own when I woke up. It was so much fun that Daddy found me pulling a book off of my bookshelf when he came to get me from my nap this afternoon. Mommy and Daddy think that it will be a battle to get me to stay in bed, but I just smile at them whenever the topic comes up. Here are some pictures of how my room looks with my very own big boy bed. FYI - Since taking these pictures, we have purchased and attached a bedrail to the side of our big boy's bed (in hopes that it will help minimize his chances of falling off).

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Visit With My Sister...

We flew down to Missouri to spend a week with my sister and her family. It was a blast! We hope to continue being able to visit each other at least once a year. We'll just have to wait and see if our visits continue to be in October or if they change from year to year. During our visit, we were blessed to be able to spend time with lots of family and friends. Cousin Callie celebrated her 1st birthday, so we were even able to see Grandma and Grandpa King over the weekend. Thanks to Cheryl, Jamie, Callie, and Remi, who so graciously let us visit and stay with them for a week. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for playing with our big boy so that I could get some much needed "Mommy time". And thanks to my husband for working hard everyday so that we could continue our annual trip down south. Enjoy the slideshow!