Friday, June 26, 2009

12 weeks and 27 months

Our big boy Micah is 12 weeks old today. How quickly the last 12 weeks has gone. I was just talking to Christian yesterday about how during the first few days at home I thought that we'd never get to 12 weeks (because my milk hadn't come in and constantly hungry Micah only slept a total of 3 hours each night). But now, I can't figure out where all the time has gone. Micah will officially be 3 months old next Friday, but here are a few pictures from today.

Micah "sitting up" by himself on the couch

Our big boy Benjamin will be 27 months old tomorrow. I won't even get started on how all that time has quickly passed. Benjamin continues to be a great big brother and seems to be saying more and more each day.

Micah finding his fist and Benjamin's wonderful smile

Both boys are actually looking at the camera!

We are truly blessed and praise God for our two boys! Benjamin and Micah, we love you and can't imagine our lives without you. We're so proud of both of you! We are loving every minute of watching you grow up.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Guest Pastor

We were blessed to have a guest pastor at church today. Pastor Lo and his family, doing God's mission work in Indonesia, came to equip us for another week out in the mission field. Thank you Lo family for sharing God's word and how He is using you for His purpose. Please pray for your church's missionaries (and all God's missionaries) and consider the ways you can support God's work through them.

Pastor Lo sharing with us at bible study

The Lo family

The Lo and Strickland families

Festival Fun!

This last week was full of fun! Amidst Benjamin getting sick, our family managed to participate in a number of festival activities. We played bingo and supported the local fire department, saw the town kids march down the street in the kiddie parade (Benjamin didn't participate this year), attended the annual turtle race, and saw the grand parade. Enjoy the festival through our pictures!

Weekend Away

Last weekend, Christian had to attend a Pastor's Convention in the Cities. Instead of just hanging around at home, I packed up the kids (and all the necessities) and headed to Christian's parents house. We had a wonderful time and it was great to get out of town. Thanks Granny and Papa for letting us come to visit for the weekend! Enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family Pictures

Yesterday was a good day. It was sunny and warm outside, the boys were both well, they both took a 3 hour nap (and at the same time too!), and we had a lot of family fun! Today...not so great. It's overcast and looks chilly, Benjamin is sick (he's been vomiting on and off since 2:15 a.m., and although we are having more family time, it's not any fun. Anyway, while I have a moment I thought I would share some family photos we took yesterday.

Since Benjamin was more interested in being the photographer instead of being in the photos, he's only in one picture. Who knows? Maybe we have a budding photographer on our hands?

Overdue Photos

Micah turned 2 months old on June 3rd. Here are a few pictures I managed to take a few weeks ago. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Confirmand

Christian confirmed his first confirmation student this past Sunday. Congratulations Erin! Two years of hard work has paid off! This next year, he will have at least three confirmation students (and all are boys!). We'll have to wait and see what challenges lie ahead. As always, we'll keep you posted.

I Love Corn!

Benjamin has loved corn since his first bite. Now he has a new reason to add towards his love of corn. Last night he ate corn like Mommy and Daddy; right off the cob. Way to go Benjamin! We love you and are proud of you big boy!

Are You Ready for This!?!

Micah had his 2 month well-baby checkup today. He is doing very well and is developmentally right on target. He coos, smiles, reacts to noises, can hold his head up at least 45 degrees, pushes up with his legs, etc.

Here are his stats:
Height: 23 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 15 pounds 3 ounces (97th+ percentile)
Head Circumference: 41.9 centimeters (90th percentile)

Well within what Mommy expected! Micah will officially be 2 months old tomorrow. Look for a new picture soon!