Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Next Challenge...

As you know, our big boy has constantly been working hard to pull himself up to a standing position. It's amazing how quickly he has improved in the last week. He's so fast. He can crawl to the stairs and stand up before I even get to them, which brings me to the point of this post. For the first time, our big boy has climbed all the way up the stairs. Of course, I was behind him the whole way making sure that he was safe. But he did all of the hard work. Now it's time to teach him how to slide down on his tummy. We'll keep working on that one. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you big boy! Way to go and keep up the good work!

Please enjoy some pictures I managed to take while on duty.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can you believe it?

I'm 11 months old today! Our big boy is such a blessing in our lives! We pray he enjoys a wonderful day filled with love and happiness! God loves you and we love you very much! God's Blessings on your day!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Fun Continues!

Our big boy has been very busy these last couple of weeks!
Here are some highlights:
• He moves to music and LOVES to listen to CDs
• He is now working hard to pull himself up to a standing position (with no help from Mommy and Daddy - see previous post) whenever and wherever he can
• Mommy found him standing up in his crib yesterday for the first time
• He has successfully climbed the first two stairs to the upstairs rooms
• He continually works to master his sippy cup - He almost has it!
• He continues to love opening and closing cabinets, drawers, etc.
• He keeps talking and talking and talking and talking to us - I'm sure we'll hear a recognizable word any day now!
• Just this morning he discovered that he can spin the bathroom toilet paper around, successfully putting toilet paper over himself and on the bathroom floor (see pictures below)

We love our big boy very much and we are truly blessed to see his growing and learning each and every day. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Big Day!!!!

I will be 11 months old on Wednesday, but I didn't want to wait until then to surprise Mommy and Daddy! Mommy was busy getting ready to take me to ABC Read (young children's storytime at the local library) so I decided to try a new way to get her attention. While she was brushing her teeth, I crawled over by the bathtub and pulled myself up to a standing position. Mommy couldn't believe her eyes! She had me sit down again while she attempted to finish brushing her teeth, but I just pulled myself up to a standing position again. I did this three times in a row. Eventually she was done brushing her teeth and I was done too. I crawled out of the bathroom to resume playing in the living room. I am so proud of myself and Mommy and Daddy are so pleased! They better start getting ready because this is only the beginning. Mommy didn't take any pictures or videos yet, but I will make sure that when she does, she'll post them on the blog too. We'll make sure to keep you posted on my latest activities! Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Now that I am just one week away from my 11-month old day, I thought I would share some pictures of what I have been up to this past month. I have been keeping Mommy and Daddy very busy. For the last 5 or so days, I have been taking only one nap. This helps keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes. I think they are almost used to my new schedule. I am a master at crawling and can sometimes escape Mommy and Daddy's reach. I keep Mommy very busy during the day with my playing and exploring. For some reason, I continually hear the word "No!" from Mommy asnd Daddy while I explore. Why is that? I love to drop objects into containers and push them around the house. Mommy is helping me learn to push matching shapes into my shapes sorter. And I love pushing my wagon around the house too! It's my job to help keep life exciting, right!?! Well, it's time for me to go back to playing and exploring. Enjoy the pictures!