Sunday, November 30, 2008

My New Favorite!!

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Wiped Out!

Christian and our big boy were relaxing on the couch together. Next thing I knew, I saw...

Christian's sleeping, but what happened to our big boy?

He's sleeping too! How adorable! Have a great nap :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful time with Christian's family at Granny and Papa's house. It was great to get together and watch the two cousins play. Unfortunately, we were so busy chasing the boys and generally having a good time that I forgot to take pictures. However, Granny was kind enough to take a family picture for us before we left. Our big boy has a great smile!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

We had our 20 week ultrasound appointment yesterday and found out that Strickland baby #2 is a boy! Yay!! The best news is that the baby is healthy and growing well. As of yesterday, he weighed about 12 ounces and his heart rate is in the 140s. He's a kicker (he's been kicking me A LOT today). Interestingly, I think he kicked the fetal monitor about 4-5 times while we were listening to his heartbeat yesterday. He's very active and is having great fun. His kicks aren't super hard yet, but there's lots of time for him to grow and get stronger. Enjoy the ultrasound pictures we received yesterday. God bless!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanks to ACORN....

Just kidding! Mommy and Daddy voted today! They just gave me their stickers...Woohoo!!! FYI - Our big boy decided to put this sticker on his head during lunch. How do you think it looks?

Don't forget...go VOTE!!!!