Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Couple Videos and More Pictures

You're might be getting tired of seeing pictures of our kids, but I am not. So, here are a couple of videos and some more pictures.

The first video is Benjamin imitating a cat's meow. Warning: The meow is high pitched.

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The second video is of Benjamin saying his very first full word, besides "mama" and "dada", "ball". We think he enjoys being able to say a word that we recognize so easily because he says it all the time. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Johnny Jumper Time!

Micah tried out the johnny jumper for the first time today. He only stayed in it for about 5 minutes at a time, but we think he liked it!

By the way, we took this picture right before he wanted out; he was done.

A Great Day for a Bonfire!

Hmmm. What do I think about this?

Look Mommy. Fire!

Micah's 4 Months!

Okay, so Micah's officially been 4 months since August 4th, but he had his 4 month well-baby check-up yesterday.

Here are his stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 15 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 26.5 in (90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (90th percentile)

He is right on developmentally and a great joy to watch grow!

Later that day, Micah and Benjamin were both slap happy. Here's what we experienced. Enjoy!

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Weekend Getaway to...

Fulda. A few weekends ago, we packed up the car and headed to Fulda. Christian was honored to help officiate a wedding for a prior school teacher. We left early afternoon on Friday and arrived in Worthington by late afternoon. We had just enough time to check in to the hotel, unload our belongings from the car, put the kids back into their car seats, and drive to the church for the rehearsal. Considering the amount of time we spent in the car, Benjamin and Micah did very well. It was a delightful weekend. The wedding was beautiful and we enjoyed having some family time out of town.

There was a pool at the hotel. Yay!! We thought Benjamin would love the pool, since he loves taking a bath. Well, normally, he would. He was in the pool for all of about 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, since the temperature of the pool was around 75 degrees, he opted for the whirlpool (with Daddy's constant supervision, of course).

Quick "dip" in the pool

It's whirlpool time!

On the way back home, we stopped at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove. Although our visit was short, it was enough to snap a few pictures and make a couple of purchases in the gift shop.

Too Many Pictures, Too Little Time

As you probably already know, we've been a little busy. Sorry for the lack of posting, but Benjamin and Micah are keeping us hopping these days. It's been great fun watching the boys grow in their love for each other. Benjamin is an excellent big brother and is very caring towards Micah. Micah just adores Benjamin and is extremely interested in anything and everything he does. (I'm sure Micah wishes that he could join in on the fun, but Mommy's not at all ready for that yet.) Now to the pictures.

We took a week long vacation down to visit my family. All of us kids and our families invaded Mom and Dad's house for an entire week. It was great! We had a blast and I have a ton of pictures to prove it! We also hired a professional photographer to come to Mom and Dad's house and take some family pictures. Christian is not in the professional family pictures because his grandmother was called to glory just before we left for vacation. However, he was able to take a day to fly down to Houston to say goodbye and support his family. We missed him, but plenty of fun was waiting for him when he returned.

We mostly hung out at Mom and Dad's house, but we did take a trip to the zoo on Independence Day (Yep, we were at the zoo in the pouring down rain. Some would call us crazy, but I thought it was fun and a bit ingenius. When else can you enjoy the zoo practically all to yourself?).

Except for our final day, we did everything as a big group (8 adults and 8 children). On our last day, our little family went to the zoo again for some final fun.

I know, enough already. These are just some of the pictures from the trip. Enjoy!